When a child is born ,then we note Place, Time and Date of Birth for preparation of horoscope.We refer the Panchang/Ephemeris for knowing the future of child. The Rashi which is rising in the East at the time of birth is called as Lagna Rashi or Ascendant.The Moon's Rashi is called as Janam rashi or Rashi of child in local language.
The twelve Rashis are divided into Twelve houses/Bhavas starting from Lagana(The lagana is counted as 1st Bhava or Ist house) The Lagana is taken as center point in Hindu Astrology and starting point in K.P. There are lengthy mathematical calculations to calculate area /how much degrees a bhava will expand. But, sum total of all Bhavas / Houses will be 360 degrees. Each Rashi constitutes of 30 degrees. The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are called Kendra sthans (Kendra Houses ). The 1st, 5th and 9th houses are called Trikona sthans(Trikona Houses).
- 1st house represents overall Body/ Personality, Nature of Person.
- 5th house represents Progeny/ level of Study/ Upasana of God.
- 6th house governs Enemies and diseases.
- 7th house represents Wife/Husband and governs In- Laws prosperity
- 8th house is called Randhra sthan(Ayushya sthan).
- 9th house governs Bhagya sthan/ luck/higher studies/Dharma.
- 10th house governs Profession one will undertake
- 12th house is called Vyaya sthan/Expenditure and Moksha sthan.
This is an example of Kundali having Singh(Leo) Lagna, in which numbers represent Rashis.
- Ist House -5th Rashi(Singh)
- IInd House - 6th Rashi(Kanya )
- IIIrd House - 7th Rashi(Tula)
- IV House - 8th Rashi(Vrishichik)
- V House - 9th Rashi(Dhanu)
- VI House - 10th Rashi(Makar)
- VII House - 11th Rashi(Kumbha)
- VIII House - 12th Rashi(Meena)
- IX House - 1st Rashi (Mesh)
- X House - 2nd Rashi (Vrishabh)
- XI House - 3rd Rashi (Mithun)
- XII House - 4th rashi (Karka)
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